
The Haunted Mansion movie review

Will Disney’s new movie haunt you? Or chase us from the cinema?

What’s it about?

Based on the famous Disney ride, Haunted Mansion is about a woman and her son enlisting a motley crew of so-called spiritual experts to help rid their home of supernatural squatters.

What did we think?

Anthony Sherratt says: I came in with very low expectations especially considering the abysmal 2003 film of the same name and company, and perhaps it’s that feeling of dread that bolstered my overall impression because – gods help me – I actually enjoyed it. It’s not great cinema but it made me laugh, it had an interesting twist on haunted houses and the supernatural and it had a cast putting in a good effort (although Owen Wilson once again just play us Owen Wilson).

Certainly nothing to rush out to see or put on a ‘must-see’ list, but it’s popcorn fare that will entertain anyone looking for a light-hearted romp.

Manufactured fun but with enough of a twist to still be enjoyable.
Anthony has been reviewing movies for over 30 years (it may be longer now as he may have forgotten to add an extra year on). He lectures in journalism at the prestigious Queensland University of Technology and in addition to freelance writing, works with the charity Hands Across The Water. In a busy life, insomnia is his friend.
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