
Candyman (2021) movie review

A Candyman reboot/sequel? Sweet or sour?

What’s it about?

Anthony, the baby rescued in the 1992 film, returns to Cabrini-Green and uncovers a lot more of the Candyman legend than he bargains for.

What did we think?

Jess Seittenranta says: Nia DaCosta’s Candyman layers the classic horror narrative with the very real events surrounding the BLM movement, and in doing so brings the film’s horror very close to home. “Say my name” – the simple message referring to how one might summon the Candyman – simply and poignantly drops that in front of you fairly early in the film, and even without the background of the older film, the link is clear.

Candyman is well-paced, engaging, suspenseful and definitely unsettling, and it’ll make most viewers angry at least once. It’s not the scariest film ever, but what it does do is make you uncomfortable – from the upward angled and upside-down shots of the Chicago cityscape to watching racially charged police brutality play out on screen. Mostly satisfying ending though. Overall it’s a great new addition to the horror genre – a perfectly contemporary film with a good nod to the original.


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